88 professors

45 university professors

25 tenure-track positions

1060 employees

61 Nationalities

~ 25 % non-scientific staff

9.064 students

2.098 first-year students

(WS 2023)

~ 16 million euros

third-party funds

in 2022

835 publications in 2022

697 in peer reviewed journals

106 Publications in Journals with Impact Factor >10

24 awards and grants

19 ERC Grants

2 Wittgenstein Awards

3 START Grants



The University of Vienna is ranked in nine of eleven categories and is among the top 200...


A chemist and a physicist walk into a bar.. Sounds like a joke? Not for us!


The award is given to outstanding scientists either from Lower Austria or working in Lower Austria...


The movement of species around the globe has lasting impacts on biodiversity and human livelihoods...


Public lectures reflect on long-reaching influence of Gregor Mendel on his 200th anniversary


Biologie-Studierende pitchen ihre Masterarbeit


13.10.2022, 13:00

Alte Kapelle, Campus, Altes AKH...