Directors of Study Programmes and SSC
The Directors of Study Programmes (Studienprogrammleiter - SPL and DSPL) plan the teaching program and decide on questions of study law and study organization. Their tasks are as follows:
- Fulfillment of organizational and legal tasks regarding studies
- Planning and organizing the course programme and exam procedures
- Quality management of courses and lessons
- Providing information and counseling for students
The Directors of Study Programmes are supported by the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC). In addition, the SSC provides full service for students regarding the above mentioned issues.
Director of Study Programmes Biology
Director of Study Programmes Molecular Biology
Deputy: Assoz. Prof. Dr. Jillian Petersen
Deputy: ao. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr. Angela Witte
Doctoral Studies: Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Pavel Kovarik