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"Green classroom" at the research station Haidlhof


With the development of a suitable visitor infrastructure and an innovative science education, the research location Haidlhof is to be strengthened by a higher acceptance and a higher degree of recognition in the regional environment.

Thomas Bugnyar from the University of Vienna says: "It not only needs competent scientific content, but also new and creative forms of communication". An additional research area was created at the Haidlhof, which explicitly allows the presentation of scientific experiments for visitors and thus illustrates research work within the framework of cognitive biology. In addition, in co-operation with the HTL Mödling, a design competition for a "green classroom" among the students of the graduating class under the direction of Franz Gross was held. The project was supported by the province of Lower Austria. [read more]

vlnr: UniVie Vizerektor Jean-Robert Tyran, UniVie Prof. Thomas Bugnyar, VetMed Vizerektor Otto Doblhoff-Dier, Bgm. Christoph Prinz, Leiterin der Forschungsstation Haidlhof Petra Pesak, Landesrat Ludwig Schleritzko, LAbg. Bgm. Christoph Kainz, Abteilungsleiterin Wissenschaft und Forschung der NÖ Landesregierung Monika Höllbacher, Direktor HTL Mödling Harald Hrdlicka, VetMed Prof. Ludwig Huber.

Copyright: NKL Reinberger